Thursday, August 26, 2010

Passing Over

About Death and the "going" process... 

 One thing Odd about passing over into the spirit world and being no more in physical form is the ordeal of folks who love you watching as you transition.

We really don't understand death much. We've not been taught, and our concepts are a bit sketchy with regard to the spirit world, as a whole. We are learning more as technology and science grow into this field of study. 

Most things I have clarity of concept of happens sort of like explosion-bursts of knowledge; And in this way is how I now understand death... 
These bursts of knowledge usually happen when I'm not paying attention, and then I realize way later on that, "Oh I just got something important there". Unfortunately, it's usually later in the day or next day when I realize the ramification of what just downloaded into my brain.

One afternoon, I was working in my garden next to the koi pond and realized my knowledge base about dieing was being expanded, mostly because a dear friend of mine had a Father passing over. As I listened to him talk on the phone, I just understood death in a way I never did. My friend was talking about the lingering process as the body dies. How hard it was for people to sit and watch or sit beside the one going and wait, and wait...

I've sat by the beds of many people passing over and never really understood either until now. 

What is happening in that time period though is quite important for the soul. While we are here (on Earth) in these fleshly bodies we gather all kinds of poop from people of every sort. These childhood and adult situations leave a mark on us. They are imprinted in our soul. Either it is a good thing or it is a wound, which is embedded in our hearts and minds forever. We might not even know it is there.

Before we leave this body things have got to be resolved and finished inside our minds and hearts. It's like a cutting away of what was, and a freeing of the soul into what will be on the other side. Call it trash cleaning if you will, but we each have to go though this sort of limbo before we pass over into the spirit world. It's not a bad place at all. Actually it's quite healthy and healing. You still have a breathing body, but the spirit can travel into the realm of Angels and talk to Elders who can help us understand and let go. Spirits come to heal your hurt places and minister to you. 

As this happens you receive the peace and strength needed to let go of this earthy body and people. When the issues keeping you bound here are resolved you leave.

I had a friend Rex who in passing, Hospice said, "He'll be gone in a day, perhaps two". Evidently Rex had other ideas. He was in that limbo world for almost two weeks and all the while he talked to people who had been gone for years and years, Friends, family and some folks who’s names no one recognized. Rex always addressed them as the came. We know because we heard him talk to them. A huge smile would normally come to his face as he saw them. He talked quite fluently and purposely. ... Odd thing about Rex, he was not able to communicate with us much. Other than just a few words or sounds he was usually silent. He'd had Alzheimer’s for 10 years. But, to these spirits he spoke very well. When he had moments of presence and we could feel he was conscience of us, he seldom said a word. He had eyes with a glazed over expression, and we knew he was only here partly.

So, while this process is difficult for the living it is most certainly healing for the one who's leaving.  

There are people who go suddenly. I don't know how this applies to them, but I do feel like a provision is made on the other side for them to refresh and heal as they merge back into the eternal spirit, leaving behind the physical body used walk this planet.

I hope this helps someone understand...

Blessings and Hope to you

Monday, August 23, 2010

Morning People and Mom

First off let me say that I am a morning person (now). Remembering how I became one makes me laugh (now). That's why I’m writing this brief memory post. It wasn’t very funny, then, but now I appreciate the humor in the situation

 Oh, I wasn’t always a morning person really. Mom would do all sorts of contortions to get me out of bed in the morning for the school bus. 

Likely the most efficient way for her to finally get me to relinquish the beds warm covers and squishiness was to bust out in 40’s show tunes or other annoying songs. God Help Me…  

 I think Mom was to contralto, what a man’s voice is to base, if that’s possible. It was a tad irritating and interesting at the same time. At 6:00 in the morning it was very irritating. If “When the Red Red Robin Comes Bobbin’ Along” didn’t get me out of bed with the line, “GET UP GET UP YOU SLEEPY HEAD” emphasized so loud I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head; the song following would do the trick. 

Did you know Reveille has words? I do… Mom’s favorite torture device should The Red Red Robin Bobbin’ crap fail. She’d stealthily tiptoe in the room and get about two feet from my bed and bellow...

You've got to get em up
You've got to get em up
You've got to get em up this morning 

You've got to get em up
You've got to get em up
You've got to get em up today 

I was up by then. The rest of the song was never needed. I never learned the rest either. 

Thank You Mom…

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dairy Queen - A&W and Simple Pleasures

My adult daughter and I had been out running errands and were pretty tired. On the way home, in a moment of inspiration and desire, it hit me that going to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream might be really nice. When I asked her if she’d enjoy that as well, she had the twinkle and bubbles of a little child. And so did I!

It was that moment that I began to ponder all of the little things, which were simple pleasures as a child.

Usually in the summer after church every Sunday we’d stop off at either the Dairy Queen for an ice cream or the A&W Stand for a cold mug of root beer. It didn’t cost much but it really was such a treat for us. I think the A&W Stand was my favorite. Mostly because a lady would come out, take our order and then bring it to the car on a big red tray, which she’d hang on our Mercury’s window. It was always amazing… My brother and I were filled with awe of the situation, and the anticipation of that first sip was almost too much…Those big thick glass mugs would be iced from rim to bottom with a thick coat and the root beer inside was to die for. That first sip was heaven on a hot day. Mmmm…

It was a simple pleasure…

Dairy Queen was another thing all together. It was Mom’s favorite… Frequently after shopping “we ladies” would stop off at Dairy Queen for a cone. Ice cream then was a real treat. It was one of those things saved for celebrations and holidays… and after shopping! Even my Mother and Grandmother had a sparkle to their eyes when it was mentioned. Knowing what a special treat it was made it even more so.

I could have whatever I wanted on the menu but almost always settled for a dipped in chocolate vanilla cone. The first crunch of the chocolate shell and the first licking of the now dripping vanilla ice cream, had all the right things to make a kid giggle with joy.

I almost always made a horrible mess on my clothes when the ice cream inside that hard chocolate shell melted a bit, then it oozed out and down my top. It really didn’t matter. We were done shopping and my messiness just wasn’t critical.

We all nibbled, licked and laughed…three ladies in a car acting like children…

Another simple pleasure…

Across from our table, as we ate our order of Carmel Sunday with extra Carmel were two little girls with their Mom and Dad. The girls were lost in that bubble of time that will one day become special in their memory. You can see the look of total joy on the faces of both girls. The parents were thoroughly enjoying the event and it looked like an outing that was special to them all.

Then I thought of A&W and Dairy Queen as a child… And I began to of all the kids growing up now that are entertained with electronics and have lost those types of simple pleasures…

I say, Bring Back the Simple Pleasures…